Simplified Chinese Pokemon FAQ

Simplified Chinese Pokemon!
The newest language printing of Pokemon hit mainland China in 2022! [S] Chinese Pokemon hit the ground running by releasing unique, region-exclusive sets & cards starting all the way back in the Sun & Moon era.

[S] Chinese cards are printed in Japan
Pokemon cards in the Simplified Chinese TCG are printed in Japan; meaning they have the best quality of all cards in the Pokemon TCG (tied with Japanese!). Holographic [S] Chinese cards also feature a stamp/indentation of the Pokemon TCG logo in the bottom left corner to prevent counterfeiting.

The names can be difficult to translate into English
Because Chinese & English are very different languages; translating set names can be difficult or confusing. At Moxie Card Shop we use the naming translations from Bulbapedia; but you may see other translations for the same set, especially with the subtitle (Shining Synergy: "Mu", "Showers", "Blue", etc.)
A safe bet is to use the Set Code, such as "CSM1B" for Storming Emergence: Verdant. These are found in a black box on the bottom left of cards, or the top left of a booster pack.
The sets are HUGE & unique & start with the Sun & Moon era
Each [S] Chinese Pokemon set is HUGE compared to smaller versions like Japanese. This is because [S] Chinese sets include a TON of cards so that they can catch up with other language variants.
Chinese sets start with "Storming Emergence", 3 subsets based in the Sun & Moon era.
How to read Set Codes (CSM1B vs. CS3A)
Section 1:
Section 1: "C"
Section 2:
The Era. "SM" or "S" (Sun & Moon or Sword & Shield)
Eventually, we will likely have "SV" (Scarlet & Violet) as well. -
Section 3:
Set Number (the 1st set of the era will be "1", the 2nd "2", etc.) Special sets known as Enhancement Sets will have a ".5" after this section, such as "CSM2.5"
Section 4:
Subset identifier ("A", "B", or "C") This identifies which subset it is. Most [S] Chinese sets are released with 1 or 2 companion sets, and each subset is made of Pokemon of different types. For example, Storming Emergence: Radiant (CSM1A) has Fire, Psychic, and Steel types. Storming Emergence: Verdant (CSM1B) has Grass, Electric, & Dark; while Storming Emergence: Abundant (CSM1C) has Water, Fighting, and Fairy types.
Section 5:
"C" (Disregard this)
So let's use Dynamax Clash: Thunder as an example!
Dynamax Clash: Thunder (CS1A)
1: "C"
2: "Sword & Shield"
3: "Set 1"
4: "Subset A"
Sword & Shield era set timeline
Raging Flame Enhancement Pack (CS3.5)
Ancient Martial Arts: Ji (CS3B)
Ancient Martial Arts: Mao (CS3A)
Brilliant Counterattack Enhancement Pack (CS2.5)
Vivid Portrayals: Indigo (CS2B)
Vivid Portrayals: Obsidian (CS2A)
Dynamax Tactics Enhancement Pack (CS1.5)
Dynamax Clash: Flame (CS1B)
Dynamax Clash: Thunder (CS1A)
Sun & Moon era set timeline
Striking Competition Enhancement Pack (CSM2.5)
Shining Synergy: Mu (CSM2C)
Shining Synergy: Kui (CSM2B)
Shining Synergy: Huan (CSM2A)
Battle Elite Enhancement Pack (CSM1.5)
Storming Emergence: Abundant (CSM1C)
Storming Emergence: Verdant (CSM1B)
Storming Emergence: Radiant (CSM1A)
[S] Chinese Set Info
Brilliant Counterattack (CS2.5)
Sword & Shield: Brilliant Counterattack is the name given to the second Enhancement Pack of the Simplified Chinese Sword & Shield era.
Dynamax Clash (CS1A & CS1B)
Sword & Shield: Dynamax Clash (Chinese: 剑 & 盾 极巨争锋 Sword & Shield Dynamax Clash) is the name given to the first Simplified Chinese Pokémon Trading Card Game set in the Sword and Shield Era, and third overall set.
Storming Emergence (CSM1A, CSM1B, & CSM1C)
Sun & Moon: Storming Emergence (Chinese: 太阳 & 月亮 横空出世 Sun & Moon Storming Emergence) is the name given to the first Simplified Chinese Pokémon Trading Card Game expansion. The set was released on October 28, 2022 and consists of 3 subsets: Radiant (Chinese: 赫), Verdant (Chinese: 苍) and Abundant (Chinese: 泽), with each subset covering specific types of Pokémon cards.